How to Help Struggling Students

While every class has at least one or two students that struggle in their studies, it’s the duty of a parent or teacher to acknowledge the fact that they need extra help. Ideally, they would need help with improving their mindset and making it more of a positive one. This is the only period of time where you can fix such issues so here are some strategies you can use to help struggling students:

Encourage Optimism

The one thing these students will begin to lack is optimism because once they realize how their learning struggles put them at a disadvantage, they get more pessimistic about schooling. You need to work on changing this by encouraging them to say good things about their day. Even when you give them a challenge, task them with saying something good that came out of it. Also, make it a point to relate some of the lessons you’ve learned while overcoming obstacles so students realize that challenges are normal. As a parent, you should be mindful of where you admit your child because they need teachers who are properly qualified and know how to use the right strategies to ensure the emotional well-being of your child. You’ll find such teachers only at the best Sunshine Coast high schools.

Teach Effectiveness

Essentially these children need to learn how to push their brain to power through so as to learn and think with higher capabilities. You do this by teaching them vital cognitive skills like repetition, summarizing, making use of imagery for memorization etc. This makes learning far more effective.

Success Files

A success file is documented proof of a student’s successes maintained by the students themselves. They should make records each day of their successes- what tasks they managed to complete, what they’ve learned and assignments that outline what success means to them. Struggling students tend to focus more on the negatives and give their positives far less attention than they deserve. By handling a success file, students get to reflect more on the positive experiences that occur throughout their day. This helps enhance their positive mindset and help them not give up when they run into challenges.

Growth Assessments

These are formative assessments that help students monitor their growth. Teachers use them to check in regularly as well as leave behind critical feedback that would help students identify their strong points and what areas need more practice. Students can make journal entries to use as self-assessments for their progress. Teachers can help with reinforcement through class discussions, interviews and consultations, which would probably get the message across better than a piece of paper could.


By giving students a little more responsibility, this emphasizes that they are in charge of their own learning process. Teachers should also give students assignments of their own choosing so they can be more motivated to get things done. By getting their tasks done well, this will help foster a positive mindset.

As you can see in helping a struggling student regain a positive mindset, it’s about consistency. You need to consistently remember to help them remember their strengths and thus, employ the same attitude they have towards those to any obstacles that come their way. With these few steps you can help a struggling student get back on track in no time.


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